Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Time flies when you are having fun ... or have kids

So here we are - June 14. Abbie's birthday tomorrow and Miriam's on Saturday. Where the hell has the year gone?

It's mind boggling to me that 365 days can be gone in a blink of an eye. Heck, Abbie is turning 4 - how in the world did this happen??

It's so funny - Elizabeth and the kids went down to Sea Island yesterday with Ann, Jay and Richard. So they get there and Abbie calls and leaves a voicemail on my cell, "Hi Dad, we're here. Everything is good. Going to walk on the beach. Talk to you later. Bye." She sounded like a REAL person - it blew me away.

Almost as scary as where 38 years have gone ... but hey I have a few weeks to contemplate that one.

Anyway - all's well here. I am off to Sea Island to meet the gang tonight to celebrate the birthday's and get away for a few days.

I found my old blog from when I went to China and I added it below in case you wanted to check it out.

Hope the world is treating you well.

Until Monday... Happy's Father's Day.


1 comment:

The Big Q said...

happy impending father's day jb. it is a great time to reflect on how wonderful it is to be a dad.

from just north of paradise,