Friday, August 03, 2007

Shamless Red Lobster Plug

OK, most of you by now know that Red Lobster is one of my clients.

I have to tell you, we work with some great people there. Two of my favorite folks are Michael LaDuke and Darryl Mickler, the Red Lobster chefs. Two unbelievable cooks and even better people.

We have just posted our first videocast with the two chefs from our trip to Boston. Check it out and let me know what you think. PLUS you need to go try Red Lobster's Fresh Fish menu. It's very, very tasty and it's healthy! Just don't have the Cheddar Bay Biscuits and your fine.

Have a great weekend.


Sandi K. Solow said...

Hey Jon --

Do you work with this guy: I saw him speak at AiMA a few months ago. Pretty interesting stuff.

JB said...

Yep - he's a great guy.